What is a Keratin blowout treatment for shiny hair?
Do you also dream about shiny silky hair without curls? We give the answer to the question: what is a brazilian keratin blowout treatment really means for your curly hair?
How does a keratine blowout treatment works?
First you wash your curly hair and blow it out.
Order your Keratin products and other Hair products hereThen you treat it with the keratin blowout product and let it pull in your hair for 30 – 45 minutes.
Once thats done you style and fohn it.
You will see immediately how shiny and healthy it looks!
Now you may not make it wet for 3 days, stay out of the rain and it will stay straight for 4 months.
Then you may only wash it with our special shampoo and conditioner.
Now you will see that the curls stay away for 4 to 5 months!
This product is the invention of the year for womens with curly hair!
On what hairtypes can we use a keratin blowout treatment?
All hairtypes can use this amazing product!
Can the keratin treatment be used also on colored hair?
The treatment is defenatly posible on every colored hair, all types because the hair gets feeded with good minerals.
Will my hair loose volume?
You can choose what volume you want on the hand from different styling techniques you can do it like you want!
Will my curly hair return to its previous state after the 5 months?
Yes, after the treatment is over it and you wash it like you did before it will return.
Best thing to do is simply repeat the keratin blowout treatment after 4 months.
Order your Keratin products and other Hair products hereRepeatedly washing your hair with the keratin blowout shampoo and conditioner will keep it shiny and healthy, and that’s what we want.
What is a keratin blowout treatment?
it’s really something for every women with curls!